Welcome to the

European Club for paediatric burns!

Our mission is to promote and enhance comprehensive paediatric burn care worldwide.

Founded by four pediatric burn surgeons three decades ago in the Swiss Alps, our club brings together doctors, nurses, social workers, and therapists who share their experiences and collaborate to improve paedritic burn care.

Save the date!

ECPB Workshop 2025

13th to 15th of November


Tours, France

The 2025 ECPB workshop will be organised by the French Paediatric Burn Teams in Tours.

As soon as our registration platform is achieved, you will be able to discover our topics, to and to register and to reserve accommodation.

The venue will be the Oceania Univers Hotel and Spa, at a distance walk from the station.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Tours for a workshop focused on care and practice, updating knowledge. We shall be back soon with more details


On Behalf of the congress committee,

Anne Le Touze, paediatric plastic and burn care surgeon, Tours paediatric burn center

Elvira Conti, paediatric burn care surgeon, Paris paediatric burn center

Laetitia Goffinet, Plastic surgeon, Nancy

Olivier Louvet, Intensivist, Paris paediatric burn center

Laurence Gottrand, rehabilitation physician, Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre Marc Sautelet, Vlleneuve d’Ascq

Gilles Timmerman, occupationnal therapist, Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre, Roquetaillade

Our goals are to

  1. Standardise and to optimise paediatric burn care.

  2. Organize workshops (annually) and congresses (every third year).

  3. Collect, evaluate and publish multi-centre data.

  4. Stimulate contact and exchange of physicians and personnel between paediatric burn centres.

  5. Exchange information about current projects regularly.

  6. Promote paediatric burn centres.